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Mit mentaler Stärke zum Erfolg!


Mentaltraining | Mentalcoaching | Supervision | Change Management | Hypnose


Persönlichkeitsentwicklung | Teamentwicklung | Organisationsentwicklung  


… einzigartig durch viele internationale Erfolge!


… seit 2009!


Mental-Hotline: +43 699 11750706






Dein persönlicher Erfolgscoach Michael Deutschmann, MSc

Mentaltrainer | Akad. Mentalcoach | Supervisor | Zert. Change-Manager | Dipl. Hypnosetrainer & -coach


Willkommen bei Mental-Austria – Dein Weg zur persönlichen Weiterentwicklung


Möchtest du dich wirklich persönlich weiterentwickeln? Dann bist du bei mir in besten Händen!

Als hauptberuflicher Mentaltrainer, akademischer Mentalcoach und Supervisor arbeite ich täglich mit Einzelpersonen und Teams, um sie auf ihrem Weg zu stärken.


Entdecke meine Leistungen:

Mentalcoaching nach Maß: Ob im Leistungssport, in Führungspositionen oder auf der Bühne – ich biete individuell zugeschnittene Konzepte für Erwachsene und Kinder/Jugendliche.


Teamdynamik und Supervision: Meine Gruppendienstleistungen reichen von Supervision über Führungskräftetraining bis zu Workshops, die an individuell ausgewählten Plätzen stattfinden.


Hypnose: Nutze die Kraft des Unterbewusstseins für positive Veränderungen.


Überzeug dich selbst: Besuche meine Hall of Fame und mach dir selbst ein Bild von den vielen Erfolgen.


Flexible Formate: Meine Dienstleistungen sind persönlich sowie über Zoom - Mentaltraining Sport - Mentaltrainer Sport - Coaching Leistungssport Sport Online Videotelefonie Mentalcoaching Mentaltraining Sportmentaltraining Supervision Trainer Training Coach Mentalcoach Mentaltrainer Supervisor Michael Deutschmann oder  Skype - Mentaltraining Sport - Mentaltrainer Sport - Coaching Leistungssport Sport Online Videotelefonie Mentalcoaching Mentaltraining Sportmentaltraining Supervision Trainer Training Coach Mentalcoach Mentaltrainer Supervisor Michael Deutschmann verfügbar – überwinden wir gemeinsam jede Strecke.


Werde Teil des Erfolgs: Kontaktiere mich und starte deine Reise zur Spitzenleistung.


Schau regelmäßig in meinem Mental-Blog vorbei, wo du immer wieder neue Artikel zum Thema „Mentale Stärke“ vorfindest und folge mir gerne auf Facebook, bei Instagram oder vielleicht auch im beruflichen Netzwerk von LinkedIn, um mit Gleichgesinnten in Kontakt zu bleiben.


High Performance Mental Training in Sports by Michael Deutschmann, MSc


What is "High Performance Mental Training in Sports"

Mental Training in Sports and Mental Coaching in Sports helps you to understand how the mind influences your performance.

Therefore you need mental strategies to help perform your best in competition. 

I also help athletes improve practice efficiency and focus.

You’ll learn how to mentally prepare for competition and how to take your practice game to competition.

I support you improving your performance using mental training strategies.


When should I use "High Performance Mental Training in Sports"

The most common sign that an athlete needs to work with a mental coach is when he or she is unable to perform up to maximum ability level in competition.

This is often characterized when an athlete is able to perform well in practice, but seems to flounder or freeze up in competition.

Smart athletes and coaches recognize the warning signs–an inability to cope with the pressures of competition, becoming easily distracted, or having difficulty with performance anxiety or fear of failure.


Why should I work with Michael Deutschmann and his "High Performance Mental Training in Sports"

Michael is a well known very successful Mental Trainer in Sports and Mental Coach in Sports.

Here you can find his curriculum vitae.

He has ten years experience in various sports and disciplines.


His many successes are listet in the Hall of Fame


You have also the possibility to work with Michael via Skype Coaching Leistungssport Sport Online Videotelefonie Mentalcoaching Mentaltraining Sportmentaltraining Supervision Trainer Training Coach Mentalcoach Mentaltrainer Supervisor Michael Deutschmann.


Where is Michael located?

The office is located in Austria/Europe but Michael works all over the world - international.

If you would like to get in touch with Michael and work with him or get support by Michael with his "High Performance Mental Training in Sports" feel free and write an E-Mail to Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein! or use the contact-form below. I´ll answer within 24 hours. (because of the time difference)


The Mental Coaching options are:

  • Face-to-Face Mental Training throughout the season around the world

  • Face-to-Face at your site anywhere in the world

  • Skype Coaching from anywhere in the world

  • Face-to-Face in Austria


Some potential areas for mental coaching in sports / mental training in sports / mentoring are:

  • Sports specific problems (Yips, ...)

  • Get the optimal performance at time "X"

  • Strengthening self-confidence - confidence in one's own abilities

  • concrete goal and optimal target focus

  • Optimizing mental performance requirements

  • Support in personality development

  • constructive thought steering

  • strength orientation

  • solution orientation

  • Solution of blockades (eg competition blockades, ...)

  • concentration

  • Dealing with nervousness

  • Motivation

  • Activation and relaxation

  • Shifting the self-imposed limits

  • optimal handling of pressure and anxiety

  • Time management both for the athlete, as well as for those affected and involved

  • Learning Movements

  • Consolidating motion sequences

  • Learning from wrong movements

  • Optimizing collaboration between athletes, parents and coaches

  • Dealing with injuries

  • Dealing with injury breaks

  • optimal handling of stress and recovery

  • correct behavior in various stress situations

  • team development

  • Strengthening the "WE feeling"

  • Development of a "team strength"

  • Development of a "team goal"

  • What happens after the end of career?

  • Coach the Coach

  • parent coaching


Fabio Gstrein Sölden - Ski Weltcup Slalom ÖSV - Mentaltrainer Mental Trainer Mentaltraining Mental Training Mentalcoach Mental Coach Mental Coaching Mentalcoaching Coaching Coach Erfolgscoach Michael Deutschmann Mental Austria Erfolg Success -  - Mentalcoaching Hypnose Seminare - Mental Austria - Erfolg Success international, Mentaltrainer Leistungssport, Mentaltrainer Spitzensport, Mentalcoach Leistungssport, Mentalcoach Spitzensport, Sportmentaltrainer Leistungssport, Sportmentaltrainer Spitzensport, Mentaltraining Leistungssport, Mentaltraining Spitzensport, Mentalcoaching Leistungssport, Mentalcoaching Spitzensport, Sportmentaltraining Leistungssport, Sportmentaltraining Spitzensport, Hypnose Sport, Hypnose Leistungssport, Hypnose Spitzensport,

Photo: GEPA  Rider: Fabio Gstrein AUT during Ski World Cup Slalom Adelboden/SUI


Advantages of mental training / mental coaching:

  • Proper handling of pressure (such as expectation pressure, skill pressure, cadre pressure), anxiety, nervousness and stress. 

  • Targeting the athlete throughout the season by defining goals.

  • Constructive handling of disturbances of any kind Mental training shortens learning times for the acquisition of sports techniques.

  • The mental exercise of a movement process increases the stability of a movement skill.

  • Mental training increases the precision and thus the speed of execution of a movement.

  • Mental training allows relatively high repetition rates per unit time and thus saves energy.

  • Mental training offers a possibility of economization in sports with intensive or quantitatively comprehensive training effort.

  • The use of mental training has proven itself especially in injury breaks to maintain the motion or to reduce atrophic processes.

  • Mental training can be used to simulate pre-start and competition situations: the athlete approaches the competition with less stress because he had the sequence run off several times in the performance.

  • Mental training can be used as a supplement during warm-up, thereby shortening the warm-up times (energy savings).

  • Mental training proves to be beneficial for sports with limited training time (hall, equipment occupancy).

  • Mental training allows "mental" slow-motion studies and thus makes it possible to improve the perception of movement, especially in the case of technically difficult movement sequences.

  • Mental training is beneficial for injury-prone sports.

  • Mental training reduces in sports with increased risk of injury, the fear, as not detected by the intense movement of motion movement elements are detected and thus better feasible.

  • Mental training is good for correcting erroneously learned movement techniques, as the repeated movement can be used to loosen up and re-program old movement patterns.


Elisabeth Brandau BDR Deutschland Mountainbike Weltcup - Mental Coach Mentaltrainer Mental Trainer Mentaltraining Mental Training Mental Coaching Mentalcoach Michael Deutschmann - Mentalcoaching Hypnose Seminare - Mental Austria - Erfolg Success international, Mentaltrainer Leistungssport, Mentaltrainer Spitzensport, Mentalcoach Leistungssport, Mentalcoach Spitzensport, Sportmentaltrainer Leistungssport, Sportmentaltrainer Spitzensport, Mentaltraining Leistungssport, Mentaltraining Spitzensport, Mentalcoaching Leistungssport, Mentalcoaching Spitzensport, Sportmentaltraining Leistungssport, Sportmentaltraining Spitzensport, Hypnose Sport, Hypnose Leistungssport, Hypnose Spitzensport,

Photo: Armin Küstenbrück / EGO-Promotion  Rider: Elisabeth Brandau GER


By learning and training mental techniques, athletes should be able to cognitively regulate themselves, especially in competitive situations, so that optimal performance can be called up. The goal is optimum performance at a defined time.

In competitive situations many athletes do not deal with the requirements of the present time "NOW", eg. For example, with their task and the next steps, but with the framework conditions or situation parameters.


I look forward to hearing from you and gladly support you on your way!

Link to the Contactform



Sincerely, yours


Mentalcoaching Sportmentaltraining Tirol - Mental Austria - Akad. Mentalcoach Sportmentaltrainer Dipl. Lebens- und Sozialberater Tirol - Michael Deutschmann

Michael Deutschmann, MSc
Akad. Mentalcoach & Supervisor


+43 699 11750706



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